

最後修改日期:2015-09-02 09:48:15
感言內容:I have been here for more than 2 weeks and now I am all settled down. Still, trying my best to getting used to the college life in IUP. I am so glad to have other ten people with me -- explore the new world and give a shot on new things. 剛來到 IUP的時候每天好忙,一星期的緩衝時間讓我認識了校園,也交到好多來自世界各地的朋友,美中不足的地方是學費的事情,讓我們頭痛了一下,哈哈(這回國一定要跟下屆說明清楚) 跟大家在一起闖世界真的很幸福:可以一起用中文偷講壞話、可以一起耍白痴讓外國人笑一下、可以一起規劃旅行、可以一起處理很多事。 Indiana is a small town but it is really tranquil and calm. People here are friendly and sweet and willing to give a hand to you when you need help. The surroundings in IUP is also great and it is so big!!!! In school, we have lots of resource we can use (cuz they have already charged us at a higher price of tuition, so why not get resource from school as many as we can? HAHA). 我們這兩個星期參加了大大小小的活動,還去嚐了好吃又有名的Chipotle,每天都很充實。 我現在每天去GYM 兩次,在這邊他們真的很愛運動,而且跑步機好豪華(有電視可以看),什麼運動器材都有,還有壁球室和排球室喔! 學校的meal plan 19餐實在是會吐,所以我們換成14餐,吃來吃去其實都差不多,可以好好分配和運用一個星期的14餐。 啊對了,忘了說選課的事,也是另外一件小小惱人的事,跟自己的academic advisor 討論完課程,並不保證你隔天選課都可以選得順利(言下之意就是有些課可能這學期沒開但academic advisor也不知道或是麻煩等待拿CRN才有權限進去選課)時間過很快,目前都在正軌上,我目前沒有室友,宿舍隔音很差,我的樓上好像住了大胖子,每天蹦蹦跳跳踩踩,我的天花板都快塌了 (so bad and so sad) 還有學校安排的trip可以參加哩,還不錯的體驗,不過不能花錢花太兇,我們有一年呀!哈哈 :)  這陣子的生活其實真的不錯,先講到這邊吧!
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