

最後修改日期:2015-11-12 07:42:52
感言內容: 8月真的是一眨眼就過了,想要逛逛真的就要趁還沒開學前出去晃晃因為一旦開學了,席捲而來的作業及考試會讓你有點措手不及又或者說是會讓你沉浸在讀書跟打作業的輪迴。剛開始上課,與其說難適應不如說你要想辦法讓自己融入。外國人不一定跟你想像中的一樣外向開放,除非自己主動交談,否則他們也是被動的。開學前的orientation week is sorta crucial. It helps you to know a lot of international students which you will see them around in campus pretty often. Most likely, they'll be your best friends here. People who come from Korea, Nepal, Vietnam, Malaysia... get yourself involved with people from other countries. The food here is either salty or tasteless. If you're a good cook or you meet a good cook seize the person, he/she is so precious. Either way, your cooking skills will improve through times. 
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