

最後修改日期:2016-05-06 14:47:38
感言內容: February was a busy month for us as school had just started and we were also starting to feel the pressure. This month was also the month that I started working at the burger studio at crimson cafe. It took a long process for us to finally get through and get hired, because we had to apply for a social security number first. My birthday was also in this month, my friends planned out something really nice for me and it was also a really nice surprise and i really appreciated their effort. They made cupcakes for me, one of whicch had hot sauce in it, but I didn't fall for it. They also made a really sweet video that was basically a documentary of our entire trip to the US so far. That was a really memorable one and I was thankful to have them. My classes this semester was also a lot harder than the classes I had last semester, so I had to work extra hard on that, especially since I had also started working, I had to find a balance between that. 
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